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Lost Charlottesville: Ski Land

by Hawes Spencer
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We came across the 2/21/74 edition of the Daily Progress, with this ad for Ski Land, one of America’s only ski areas to augment natural snow with both plastic carpets and pellets. According to commenters at DCSki.com, the place operated for just a single season. Bonus: there’s a nearby ad for Skatetown, the former East Market Street roller rink which is now the home of the Starlight Express bus service.

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  • Steven G. Meeks June 20th, 2008 | 4:15 pm

    It was a unique concept when it opened, but I had forgotten how long ago it was. I seem to recall it was to operate year round when it opened. It is now buried under tons of fill dirt.

  • colfer June 23rd, 2008 | 10:01 am

    Gotta love the references to Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Last Tango in Paris. Back then the Prog had a book editor, etc.

  • Bren June 23rd, 2008 | 12:40 pm

    I remember when that place closed down. It quickly became on of the areas favorite four wheeling trails. I had a 1978-79 Jeep CJ7 sporting straight “cherry bomb” mufflers, rag top, and raised. We used to tear that hill up!!! Those were the days!!!!!!!


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