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Warner crosses the aisle for Obama’s AG nominee

by Lindsay Barnes
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Even though he officially retired last Tuesday, former Senator and present Hook cover boy John Warner (R) is still making headlines with his bipartisan streak. Today, he reached across the aisle to testify on behalf of Eric Holder, President-elect Obama’s nominee for Attorney General, before the Senate Judiciary Committee and called for his confirmation by the committee. Warner called Holder “a good man,” and told his former colleagues, “I felt I wanted to be among those all across the nation who are working for a bipartisan approach to support the president-elect.”

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  • 1001 STANARDSVILLE January 16th, 2009 | 12:55 pm

    YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS RIGHT!!!!!! BLACK MAN LARGE AND IN CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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