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Starlight shines bright

by Dave McNair
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Singer-songwriter Lauren Hoffman (right) hangs out with Lynchburg’s Starlight Café owners, Carri Sickmen and her partner, Julie Kotowski and their daughter, Ruby.

It’s been over a year since we checked in with the Starlight Cafe down in Lynchburg, the funky coffee house, music venue, and eatery that Ché-ville transplants Caroline Rawls Sickmen and Julie Kotowski purchased from developer Oliver Kuttner, who appears to be trying to single-handedly revive the former home of Jerry Falwell, a beautiful small city over-looking a river that just hasn’t been able to find its groove.

Well, apparently things are going pretty good. Sickman says there are major renovations going on at its Fifth Street location–when we visited last year, there were alot of unoccupied spaces–and the entire 500 block where the cafe is located is open for business.

“We’ve been very busy and we are happy to have several old Charlottesville people living in downtown Lynchburg,” says Sickmen. ” I got an ABC license back in the spring and I carry all of the Blue Mountain Brewery Beer, and just got some excellent Sake in.”

Sickmen also reports that local coffee Roaster Doug Escalera, who created the 50 and 90 blends for the original Higher Grounds, moved his operation from Charlottesville to Lynchburg last year. “We’re very happy to have his excellent coffee roasts available to us, excellent freshness,” she says.

Hmm…Lynchburg…road trip, anyone?

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