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Dog-barking law tested in court

by Hawes Spencer
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Albemarle County’s controversial new law against persistently-barking dogs got its first contested test February 3, according to the account of the unfinished trial in the Daily Progress.

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  • countyguy February 4th, 2009 | 8:11 am

    The best part of the suit is the Judge’s name- Barkley!

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 4th, 2009 | 9:47 am

    I see it’s pun time. :)

    His bark is worse than his bite.

  • plop February 4th, 2009 | 10:14 am

    The judge should “do his job” and enforce the law as it is written. I love dogs, but there is no excuse for such an irresponsible dog owner. I read today’s piece, DP. The poor guy can’t sleep at night or host a party in his own yard because of the 2 dogs’ owner. Dennis Rooker’s comment made the most sense as he questioned whether it was OK for a neighbor’s kid to disturb the peace in “screaming outside all of the time”. Albemarle County is no longer the wilderness friends! People live close together so we need and WANT laws to set some folks straight. Why can’t this woman keep the dogs inside and take them for regular and supervised walks? Sounds to me that she needs to provide them with more stimulation and attention instead of shocking them with a cruel collar. Dogs warehoused in fenced yards usually bark at the movement around them! Why should the complainent be asked to attend mediation? What has he done wrong in expecting piece and quiet at his home? Sweeney is obviously in the right as the law is written. I HOPE the BOS doesn’t now back down and change the law because the judge appears to avoid his real duty here. Most progressive localities have identical and even more strict laws on the book. The dogs’ owner is the one who should be held accountable in this case.

  • plop February 4th, 2009 | 11:01 am

    county guy, how clever :-))))
    Sick, I’m afraid you are correct. The ruling doesn’t have any “bite” and it is not addressing the real problem. Why should Sweeney (who appears to expect reasonable enforcement of existing law), be asked to waste his time in mediation? Mediation is a great stategy in some cases. In this case, what is the objective? Maybe Sweeney will be advised to use earplugs. Maybe he will be asked to be sympathetic of his inconsiderate neighbor? The dog owner knows the law and is breaking the law. Why is this OK? Many people who take in pets “don’t have a clue” as to the committment involved. Maybe the dog owner should be asked to enroll in a dog parenting class.

  • next February 4th, 2009 | 1:40 pm

    If my neighbor doesn’t start working on her problems, I’m next in line (I think) for testing this law. I work from home and her dog barks 20 feet from my window. He barks when anyone passes: cars, walkers, and when I come in and out. He even barks now when he sees my cats in the window! This law should cover any sort of noise torture like this in a suburban environment. If they don’t start enforcing it I’m going to have to move.
    I spent some time living in a suburb of Vienna. Everyone had dogs. None of them barked. Why? Because dogs are very trainable and letting your dog bark is either a sign that you are stupid, rude, uncivilized, or just plain mean. A barking dog is a form of noise torture. It is disrespectful and irresponsible. And there is such a thing as a DOG TRAINER!!! As plop said, “the dog owner should be asked to enroll in a dog parenting class”. If a dog owner can’t grow up and treat their dog and neighbors respectfully they should (be forced to)find a better home for their dog.

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