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U2 to play Charlottesville

by Lindsay Barnes
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To date, U2 has sold more than 145 million albums worldwide, including 7 million copies of their last album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.

One of the world’s most popular bands is coming to Charlottesville. Dublin, Ireland-based U2 will perform locally in September or October, according to a press release issued Monday morning by Elizabeth Flynn of the SMG, the company operating the John Paul Jones Arena.

Though the exact when and where of the show has yet to be officially announced, an unconfirmed report on U2gigs.com puts the show in Scott Stadium on Thursday, October 1 with tickets going on sale April 4. Should this be the case, it would be only the fourth concert ever at the UVA football stadium. In 1956 Duke Ellington performed there as part of Easters Weekend, Dave Matthews Band played their Charlottesville homecoming show at the stadium in April 2001, and the Rolling Stones brought their “Bigger Bang” tour to town in October 2005.

By most any measure, Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton, and Larry Mullen Jr. constitute the biggest active rock band in the world today. Their last album, 2004’s How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, sold 7 million copies worldwide, won eight Grammy Awards including Album of the Year. Their Vertigo Tour in support of the album grossed $389 million, with 4.6 million tickets sold over the course of 131 shows, setting a new world record. Last week, U2 released its 12th album No Line on the Horizon, which promises to be its 12th platinum-selling album, and its eighth album to reach #1 on the Billboard charts. The band celebrated with a week’s worth of performances on the Late Show with David Letterman and an impromptu gig in the main quad at New York’s Fordham University.

  • diagoliv March 9th, 2009 | 8:10 am

    Without a date and idea when tickets go onsale or the price of said tickets “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”

  • Mike Wiszowski March 9th, 2009 | 10:16 am

    i’ll be there with bells on

  • Tom Foley March 9th, 2009 | 10:21 am

    It promises to be “Magnificent”!!!!

  • belocki March 9th, 2009 | 10:30 am

    should of played scott stadium, but cant do it during football season.

  • NEWS FLASH!!!! U2 is coming to the ‘ville - updated « kingdom travelin’ March 9th, 2009 | 10:43 am

    [...] FLASH!!!! U2 is coming to the ‘ville - updated Jump to Comments The site “readthehook.com” put the word out and [...]

  • Jim March 9th, 2009 | 11:02 am

    The Dave and The Stones both played Scott Stadium during football season. They put a subfloor over the grass to “protect” it, and I’ve understood the damage isn’t that bad.

    The rumors I’ve heard is that they will play Scott, but maybe not if SMG is confirming it. At JPJ it’ll be a hot ticket.

  • DF March 9th, 2009 | 4:11 pm

    According to U2gigs it looks like every other date is a stadium gig. Can’t imagine ours would be any different.

  • Dave March 9th, 2009 | 11:46 pm

    U2 sucks air.

  • Music Lover March 10th, 2009 | 8:31 am

    Judging by the dates released so far, this is a stadium tour - and the stage is HUGE. The Stones did play in the middle of the football season - but hopefully if they try that again they’ll pick a weekend night. The local traffic infrastructure proved that it can’t handle heavy concert traffic on a weekday - too many people from out of town who have never been to Charlottesville get lost, get stuck, and call in bomb scares. It can BARELY handle football traffic on a weekday, and that’s with people who know how to get there, were to park, and how early they have to leave home to get there on time.

    Dave played Scott Stadium in April, not during football season. April 21, 2001, to be precise.

  • Jim March 10th, 2009 | 9:18 am


    My bad on Dave. Almost 8 years out I’m not too surprised I mixed it up.

    You’re totally right about the traffic. Once I know the date I’ll plan a trip out of town.

  • Never Went to a Game March 10th, 2009 | 10:01 am

    Does anyone know the prices of tickets? I Boner going to help us relieve our debt (like he wants us to do with third-world countries)? Why would Dave Matthews post such a caustic message about U2 (see above)? Oh, and any adult who regresses back to toddler-hood by using terms like “my bad” and “The Dave” (of course, the inference being there is no other Dave in the world) likely camps out overnight for tickets.

    Additionally, please delete the word “totally” from “totally right.” He is either right or wrong (left).

    When do tix for Pat Boone go on sale?

  • Jim March 10th, 2009 | 10:36 am

    Ouch. Forgive me for using “totally” in a sentence. I suppose I could have used “absolutely” to convey that tone that ML was correct about the traffic situation in this town when a major concert happens.

    “My bad” and “The Dave” maybe aren’t back to toddlerhood, but the point is duly noted. For the record, the day you see me camping out for Dave tickets is the day someone else’s personality overtakes my body.

    I shall ignore the irony of you referring to Bono as Boner in the same paragraph as you assail someone else for not acting his age.

  • UToo March 10th, 2009 | 2:41 pm

    think october @ scott and pay up in april. u ppl need to learn to use the interwebs.

  • u2blows March 10th, 2009 | 8:42 pm

    U2 BLOWS!

  • Mark March 10th, 2009 | 10:52 pm

    Hope it’s at Scott Stadium. It’s the only way we’ll see something good there this fall.

  • elnuttero March 11th, 2009 | 8:07 am

    Cool. We’ll see how much of a humanitarian Bono is by the ticket prices. I’m guessing they should be about 10 bucks during these hard economic times.

  • Mike Wiszowski March 11th, 2009 | 3:20 pm

    wow. i’m going to have to call a doubt it on that one Elnuttero.

    Jim- good comeback. Bono is the man

  • [...] you’re at all curious what U2’s Charlottesville gig will be like, the band has launched a high-tech virtual preview of their “360 Degree [...]




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