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Ped hit on Hinton

by Hawes Spencer
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The Emergency Communications Center reports that yet another pedestrian has been hit in Charlottesville, this time on Hinton Avenue in Belmont around 5:48pm.

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  • Never Been to a Game March 17th, 2009 | 9:21 am

    Again, do we need to go over this kids? Crikey, even the Wiggles sing about it: Stop at the light, look both ways, look both ways again….

  • Barb March 18th, 2009 | 6:28 am

    Never Been, talk about blaming the victim! How do you know the car didn’t run a red light/drive up on the sidewalk/etc.????

  • Mark March 18th, 2009 | 9:46 am

    Cars never stop at the crosswalk at Hinton and Avon. Obey the zebra folks, obey the zebra.

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