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What about Bob? McDonnell kicks off campaign

by Lindsay Barnes
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With Mr. Jefferson peering over his shoulder, former attorney general Bob McDonnell (R) made his case for why he should be Virginia’s next governor at a campaign stop at UVA’s Jefferson Hall.

Standing in a room designed by the Commonwealth’s second governor, former attorney general Bob McDonnell (R) made his first stop in Charlottesville on his campaign to become Virginia’s 71st governor on Tuesday, March 31— part of McDonnell’s statewide kickoff tour.

“My top priority as governor,” McDonnell told a group of about 50 supporters, “is to expand opportunity and create jobs all over the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

At a rally at Jefferson Hall in Hotel C near the University of Virginia’s Lawn, McDonnell touted his economic policy centered on lower taxes, deregulation, and job creation, a point he hit home by handing out “Bob 4 Jobs” bumper stickers.

“Virginia is already a great place to do business,” said McDonnell, “but when you’re running for governor, you ought to have what James Collins called ‘big, hairy, audacious goals,’ and I want to make Virginia the #1 place in America for small business.”

McDonnell’s appearance was part of his campaign’s 15-city kickoff tour, gearing up for a campaign in which he is the presumptive Republican nominee.

“I’ve been all over this Commonwealth in the last couple days,” says McDonnell. “The thing is that I was born in northern Virginia, lived in Hampton Roads for 21 years, and I live in Richmond now, so I’m the local candidate just about everywhere. I may be buying a house in Albemarle to make it complete.”

McDonnell hopes to win the Governor’s Mansion at a time when Virginia faces 6.6 percent unemployment, up from 3.5 percent this time last year. Several already-sitting Republican governors like Alaska’s Sarah Palin and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal recently turned down hundreds of millions of dollars in federal money for unemployment insurance that would have provided relief to out-of-work constituents. While McDonnell wouldn’t go so far as to call on Governor Tim Kaine (D) to do the same, he told the Hook that he understood why his party-mates rejected the funding and that he would have “significant concerns” about taking such money were he governor today.

“What Congress passed was essentially an unfunded mandate to expand coverage to laid off part-time and seasonal workers,” says McDonnell, “that only extendeds those benefits for a year, and would have left small businesses to pay for it after that. In the long run, it keeps small businesses from creating jobs in the future.”

The rally also served as recruiting grounds for volunteers and donors. In the middle of his remarks, McDonnell requested all assembled to send a text message and get signed up for alerts from his campaign, which he says will be “the most technologically savvy Virginia has ever seen.” And to those apprehensive about giving to a political campaign at a time when budgets are tight, McDonnell told supporters such a donation may ultimately be a money saver.

“A donation to my campaign is cheaper than having to pay my opponent’s higher taxes,” he said.

That opponent has yet to be determined. Presently, State Senator Creigh Deeds, former Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe, and former delegate Brian Moran are all vying for the Democratic nomination prior to a statewide primary vote on Tuesday, June 9.

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  • Bob March 31st, 2009 | 7:50 pm

    Color me underwhelmed.

  • billy bob March 31st, 2009 | 9:46 pm

    I wouldn’t underestimate his chances. By November, the bloom may be well of the rose of the Obama presidency and the GOP “brand” could easily make a comeback, at least in VA. One would be foolish to dismiss any candidate that can consider 45% of the vote in the bag.

    Envisioning Deeds or McAuliffe defeating McDonnell is hard to do, and it seems premature to put Moran’s chances at better than 50/50. Either way, Virginia will soon have a governor with the initials BM.

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  • Pete Deer April 1st, 2009 | 8:44 pm

    Great. Just what the commonwealth needs. Another blow dried moron cryin’s about high taxes and totally clueless to the financial calamity that has befallen this country. Not that McCaulife, Deeds or Moran are any different. This country has one political party, “The Corporate Party” with two wings; Democratic and Republican. Just like GM; you have a choice…you can buy a Pontiac or a Cadillac…but either way, GM gets your money.
    However, it appears that just like it’s industrial counterpart, The Corporate Party is bankrupt as well. Not fincanically so, just morally, ethically and politically.

    Pete Deer

  • Sean Hughes April 4th, 2009 | 10:56 am

    I sure would like to know what happened to the “party of inclusion” or big umbrella (Reagan). When i sent Mr. MacDonald a reply stating i believed the religious right are wrong. Because of my view on stem cell research, his reply was to remove me from the Republican website. I also believe the last thing we need right now is another attourney in office!

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