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Snap o’ the Day: Ivy mail scorpion

by Hawes Spencer
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news-dragon A once-drab row of mailboxes at the Ivy Hill apartment complex along Ivy Road was recently transformed into a work of public art in the form of a scorpion. “Kudos,” says Ivy resident Mary Ann Timberlake. “Every time I drive by on my way into C’ville it makes me smile.”

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  • Sick Of The Local Rambos April 23rd, 2009 | 11:12 am

    While they may indeed be cute, it’s a major distraction to drivers. And sadly enough, it doesn’t take much of a distraction to send some drivers across that yellow line in the center of the road.

  • Mike Wiszowski April 24th, 2009 | 10:27 am

    That doesn’t even look like a real scorpion…

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