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McIntire opens for wading

by Stephanie Garcia
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It seems the only thing that might keep your toddlers from McIntire Park’s wading pool tomorrow will be the weather; the pool plans to open its gates Saturday, June 6, two weeks after the area’s other aquatic centers opened (with the exception of the Onesty Family Aquatic Center at Meade Park, which is under construction and expected to open mid-month). The wading pool was about to be another victim of ousting at McIntire before public outcry led City Council to step in and save the waders. According to acting Parks and Rec director Brian Daly, the city hired Roanoke-based company National Pools to install a new drain cover and additional safety system for approximately $15,500– $4,500 less than the City’s initial estimate of $20,000.

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  • plop June 5th, 2009 | 3:28 pm

    Can’t understand why the City wasted so much time hashing this one out! Maybe it was for show???OR to gain votes???
    They tell me citizens calling for an opening, pool made perfect sense at the hearing,City Council. The city’s original argument to close the pool was just plain lame. So glad people spoke up.
    The glaring fact is the Council’s push to build the Parkway also makes no sense, but they don’t seem to get it or really care.
    The good piece, most smart Charlottesville citizens are seeing through the government plan.

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