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Outward bound: Virgil Goode’s not trying again

by Hawes Spencer
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news-goodeperrielloRepublican Goode, left, suffered a 727-vote loss in the November election to political newcomer Tom Perriello.

Former Congressman Virgil Goode, narrowly defeated in November for reelection to the seat he held for 12 years (and under both major political parties), has issued a statement saying that he will not seek the seat again.

The news first appeared either at the blog of conservative radio talk-show host Rob Schilling, who calls the decision “disappointing,” or in the Martinsville Bulletin, or the Franklin News-Post.

Goode declined to give reasons for his decision, and pundit Larry Sabato explains that the reasons could include anything from disinterest in fund-raising to interest in getting back to private business.

“I’m guessing,” says Sabato, “because I haven’t talked to him, but if you look nationally over the years Congressmen rarely stage successful comebacks.”

Sabato says that one potential Republican contender might be State Senator Robert Hurt who comes from Chatham in the populous part of the 5th Congressional District and has allegedly expressed some private interest. Sabato also thinks that Charlottesville-area Delegate Rob Bell could be a contender— if he has any interest.

Bell has reportedly denied any interest. Other names mentioned include Albemarle Supervisor Ken Boyd and political commentator Cordel Faulk.

“The Republicans could find somebody stronger than Goode,” says Sabato. “But they could also have a weaker nominee.”

–last updated 2:07pm

  • Lucy July 27th, 2009 | 10:55 am

    Maybe now Perriello can concentrate on getting his work done and not worry so much about raising money. Bet when Sabato weighs in he will say something like: given the extensive outreach of the Perriello operation into all parts of the district and the stimulus money reaching hard hit areas, Perriello will be hard to beat next time around.

  • diagoliv July 27th, 2009 | 11:19 am

    You crack me up Lucy, this race is going to cost a fortune and if Perriello stops rasing money he is in HUGE trouble. The RNC wants this seat and now without Goode they have a great shot. The Congressman isn’t going to have Obama on the ballot to help him. Periello won moderates because he wasn’t Goode. If the Republicans can nominate a moderate (big if) then the republican moderate should be the favorite in the race. Just look at the numbers and follow the money.

    This is going to be a big race and a whole lot of money will be spent on it.

  • Sarah Palin July 27th, 2009 | 11:39 am

    Encouraging Goode to quit was a smart move for the Republicans. Goode came with lots of Bush-era baggage (like supporting torture) and would have had them defending the indefensible past rather than starting with a fresh candidate and a clean slate. They may actually now have a chance to retake this seat.

  • Mequa Shore July 27th, 2009 | 3:15 pm

    “The Republicans could find somebody stronger than Goode,” says Sabato. “But they could also have a weaker nominee.”

    Wow, thanks for that hard-hitting analysis, Mr. Larry.

  • SabatoGraspsObvious July 27th, 2009 | 5:23 pm

    Sabato could be right, but then again he could be wrong …

  • Goode Admirer July 27th, 2009 | 5:29 pm

    Sorry to hear about Goode He was a real “profile in courage” when, as a Dem, he was one of the few in his party who voted to impeach BJ Clinton, the perjurer in chief. Most of the other Dems figured he was “their guy” and didn’t really care what he did to disgrace his office. But if this improves the chances of ridding the 5th district of their “we apologize for what our military did” bum, then perhaps it’s for the best. Perhaps then Perriello can travel to the Middle East and apologize in person to those who behead innocents live in living color, much as we watch NFL games in this country, while a minute minority of our military put panties on prisoner’s heads (BFD).

  • nigongHurt July 28th, 2009 | 5:45 am

    Sabato goes with the $. If Hurt runs he can’t even win his home area as his support of and links to Uranium mining and milling will kill him and any other Repubs on the ticket with him. Plus his record in Richmond has been for higher Taxes and spending.

  • Dr.Doolittle July 28th, 2009 | 9:50 am

    So based on Sabato’s educated guess, as usual, we could have rain today or sunshine, it depends on the clouds. Very thought provoking statements!

    I have two too!!! Someone other than Kaine will be Virginia’s next governor and I will go out on a limb and state it will be a Dem or a Rep. Bank on it!

  • SabatoGraspsObvious July 28th, 2009 | 11:51 am

    Dr. Doolittle: I think you’re going out on a limb with your predictions about our next Governor. My prediction is that our next Governor will be someone who has serviced in Virginia’s House of Delegates.

  • goode July 29th, 2009 | 4:43 pm

    G#W Bus.h lowered the vehicle fatality rate in virginia 20% in 08.
    Best pres in many years

  • Indie Cent July 29th, 2009 | 5:49 pm

    Virgil was a rarity. He sat out in front of his office in the capital and greeted visitors first hand. He had one of the smallest staffs up on the Hill. Yet he towed the GOP line when it was failing… the wall between US/Mexico; Guantanamo etc.

    Now I suppose the oil party will seek an Eric Cantor type to take on the freshman D. Bell may be the right choice.

  • billy bob July 29th, 2009 | 10:20 pm

    Rob Bell, ha ha ha. Nooooo way is that guy getting elected to congress for the 5th district. Perriello seems like a real decent and honorable guy, but does anyone remember the actual campaign and how ugly it got at the end there?

    I’m not saying Perriello is responsible for the smears against Goode, but they did happen. The GOP should remember that when it comes time to nominate a candidate for this office. The democrats are playing to win now and Rob Bell ain’t the guy you want as your candidate in this district.

  • PerrielloPower July 29th, 2009 | 11:40 pm

    With his work ethic and 24/7 on the job for the people of this area, Perriello is in office as 5th District Representative for as long as he wishes to hold the seat. The mutual love and respect of each for the other is amazing. His popularity has grown so great that even a long time office holder like Goode has backed off and could only raise a paltry sum of money to run against him. When Deeds gets elected by a landside , there aren’t going to be many prospects wanting to take on someone like Perriello.

  • goode July 30th, 2009 | 3:46 pm

    periello, carrys a picture of oboma where ever he goes

  • AlbemarleResident July 31st, 2009 | 12:23 pm

    PerrielloPower, if you’re on meds, cut back on the dosage. If not, then get something prescribed (before there’s ObamaCare and you have to wait in line for 12 hours). Perriello’s commercials (paid for by his lobbyist buddies) asking viewers to “thank Tom Perriello” literally make me want to puke. This little self-serving troll will be “outta here” come Nov 2010. I would welcome Bell’s entry into the race and would probably make a donation to a political candidate for the first time in my life!




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