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Kelly Watt memorial race gets fifth running

by Hawes Spencer

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news-kellywatthookcoverKelly Watt, the “attitude is everything” 18-year-old whose heat stroke death four and a half years ago rocked the running community and later became the subject of a feature story in Runner’s World, will be remembered again November 21 with a 2-mile race— plus a 1/2-mile event for kids— to benefit the scholarship fund in his name.

--updated with correct date

  • Joan Shettig October 17th, 2009 | 1:33 pm

    Please note the 5th annual Kelly Watt Memorial Race will be held on Saturday, November 21st, 2009 not November 19th.

    If you would also let readers know they can access a copy of the registration form on our website.

    Joan Shettig

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