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‘Update’ on search for new UVA President

by Dave McNair
published 4:32pm Friday Oct 30, 2009
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According to University Rector John O. Wynne, the update is that there will be no updates, as “presidential searches can be effective only if candidates are assured of confidentiality. We also have been warned that a breach causes candidates to withdraw, threatening the viability of the search. We cannot take such a risk.” As such, Wynne says no information on candidates will be released until a final decision is made. Oh, he also adds that there is “no firm deadline” for making the decision.

  • Nancy October 30th, 2009 | 5:10 pm

    We wouldn’t want anyone to google their candidates and find out something –would we.

  • happy happy happy November 2nd, 2009 | 10:48 am

    This is consistent with the UVa ethos — no non-good news must ever get aired, and anyone who doesn’t get offered or take the job would be unavoidably besmirched with the stain of negativity. It’s the same reason UVa frowns on football fans booing Al Groh’s failure, and is not willing to admit any responsibility of it’s no-re-entry rule for the disappearance of Morgan Harrington.

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