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by Hawes Spencer
published 8:37pm Thursday Nov 5, 2009
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Your county supervisors— a group that includes a financial planner— could use a clue about financial planning, as this report of an ever-widening deficit appears to demonstrate.

  • Jeff November 5th, 2009 | 9:22 pm

    Same group that says, build the dam/pipeline at any cost –what do you expect. The chair has been sent packing and if someone had run against Rooker, bet they would have ousted him too. Hopefully the two new supervisors have the financial smarts to ask ” what does this cost” before obligating their citizens to unlimited debt, and higher water and sewer bills. Sup Boyd better be careful, don’t think a supervisor who supports a water plan known as a boondoggle will get far in the Republican Party.

  • DumpRSWA November 5th, 2009 | 11:10 pm

    Rob Schilling would have a hard time supporting Ken Boyd for congress given his support of the harassment lawsuit against Peter Van der linde, I’ll bet.


  • Music Lover November 6th, 2009 | 8:10 am

    Thank God the Republicans are arriving on their white horses to save us all! Remember guys - it’s against the rules (that would be YOUR rules) to raise any taxes to resolve this mess. We all look forward to seeing your efficient efficiency efficiently applied!

  • Jeff November 6th, 2009 | 8:41 am

    Music Lover, do you consider raising water rates to build an oversized, overpriced dam and pipeline a tax on those hooked up to the system ?

  • TJ November 6th, 2009 | 11:11 pm

    I heard Rodney Thomas on the Coy Barefoot show today say the water plan needs to be looked at again and that it is probably too expensive. Maybe he actually is a fiscal conservative who looks at the bottom line. Actually, to think a community this size could afford a $200 million dollar water plan in these times, one would have to be pretty darn stupid. A wise man I know loves to say that perfectly reasonable people become idiots when they get elected to office, that sure is the case in this community

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