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Playwright launches, gets ‘Homecoming’

by Hawes Spencer
published 6:51am Friday Nov 6, 2009
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news-earlhamnerFamed author Earl Hamner Jr. joins cast members of The Homecoming, the dramatic holiday tale whose 1971 television version launched the long-running and still syndicated show The Waltons. Hamner, whose tv writing includes several classic episodes of The Twilight Zone, gave a reading Thursday night, November 5, at the named-for-him Hamner Theater in the Rockfish Valley Community Center. While he heads back to his home in California, his play, directed here by Boomie Pederson, will be presented most Thursdays through Sundays between November 19 and December 13. (photo by David Ferrell)

  • Nancy November 6th, 2009 | 7:30 am

    Boomie Pederson is a terrific director, and this is a play you will not want to miss. As a child I was lucky enough to have parents that took me to live theater, it was a gift, and one I hope other parents will give their children and take them to this wonderful play.

  • colfer November 6th, 2009 | 7:43 am

    Yes she is, this may be the best theater in the Cville mootraplex.

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