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Murder at UVA: George Huguely, Yeardley Love, and Lacrosse’s Worst Case Scenario

by Andrew Sharp
published 11:28am Tuesday May 11, 2010

news-lacrossedeathYeardley Love and George Huguely.

Imagine the families. Chevy Chase, Maryland and Cockeysville, Maryland are only about an hour apart. George Huguely and Yeardley Love had been dating for some time. The families had to have met, right?

Now, in the wake of Yeardley Love’s death— allegedly at the hands of her boyfriend, George Huguely— imagine the interactions between the two families. If it hasn’t happened already, at some point, it will. They’ll cross paths, and familiar looks will be replaced with downward gazes, stifled emotions. Should they speak, think of the fumbled words, the tears, the heads shaking.

The Huguely family would likely want to apologize, and the Love family might want to forgive. But truthfully, nobody could (more)

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