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Kitchen Confidential: Ian Sigmund, The Shebeen

by Lindsay Barnes

food-sigmundThe Shebeen’s Ian Sigmund.


The secret to great cooking is… losing your inhibitions. A lot of people think there are very specific rules to cooking, but beyond the basics, you should really be secure enough in your abilities to be free to do what you want.

The secret to success in the restaurant business is… attention to detail. Everything that goes on in the restaurant needs to be watched carefully

The secret to making the Shebeen’s Durban chicken is… skewering the chicken breasts with either sugar cane or bamboo. It adds a nice earthy aesthetic touch.

The Shebeen’s Durban chicken

1 tablespoon paprika

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon ground annatto seed

3 tablespoons cumin

6 tablespoons tumeric

3 tablespoons coriander

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon cloves

1 tablespoon ground black pepper

4 8-oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

24 oz. teriyaki sauce

1 tablespoon water

8 oz. chipotle peppers


Clean and cut the chicken breasts in half, horizontally.

Mix the paprika, salt, annatto seed, cumin, tumeric, coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and pepper and use the mixture to season the chicken.

Marinate in seasoning, 160z. of the teriyaki sauce, and water.

Grill or sear chicken in a pan and then finish in the oven at 350 degrees.

Mix 8 oz. teriyaki sauce and 8 oz. chipotle peppers and honey to taste to make “voodoo sauce” to serve on the side or over the chicken.

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