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Mr. Feces and the Harveys’ killer both reined in

by Hawes Spencer
published 7:16am Friday Aug 18, 2006
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Jurors in Richmond required little time yesterday– just 30 minutes– to convict Ricky Javon Gray in the horrific New Year’s Day murder of an artistic family that included Bryan Harvey who tasted some measure of fame as a member of the Dads and House of Freaks musical acts. The Washington Post has the sad and horrific story.

In an unrelated story, Albemarle police have reined in the man wanted in a statewide manhunt after his high-speed chase led to the death of an off-duty Colonial Heights police officer. Douglas Michael “Beefy” Brown Jr. was found in the Briarwood subdivision after a Crimestoppers tip, according to NBC29. Among the myriad alleged crimes by Brown was a reported feces-flinging incident when he was once in jail.
(We would have linked you to stories in the daily papers, the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Daily Progress, but the websites of both of the Media General-owned papers are delivering “503″ error messages this morning– their front pages are fine, but no stories will come up.)

[Photos: That's a recent mugshot of Brown at left and a 1984 shot of Bryan Harvey above.]


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Mr. Feces and the Harveys’ killer both reined in

by Hawes Spencer
published 7:16am Friday Aug 18, 2006
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Jurors in Richmond required little time yesterday– just 30 minutes– to convict Ricky Javon Gray in the horrific New Year’s Day murder of an artistic family that included Bryan Harvey who tasted some measure of fame as a member of the Dads and House of Freaks musical acts. The Washington Post has the sad and horrific story.

In an unrelated story, Albemarle police have reined in the man wanted in a statewide manhunt after his high-speed chase led to the death of an off-duty Colonial Heights police officer. Douglas Michael “Beefy” Brown Jr. was found in the Briarwood subdivision after a Crimestoppers tip, according to NBC29. Among the myriad alleged crimes by Brown was a reported feces-flinging incident when he was once in jail.
(We would have linked you to stories in the daily papers, the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Daily Progress, but the websites of both of the Media General-owned papers are delivering “503″ error messages this morning– their front pages are fine, but no stories will come up.)

[Photos: That's a recent mugshot of Brown at left and a 1984 shot of Bryan Harvey above.]


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