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Couric mocks Palin

Couric mocks Palin

by Lindsay Barnes
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Tina Fey isn’t the only UVA alumna poking fun at Sarah Palin. A week after the Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee told Katie Couric that of America’s newspapers she reads, “all of them, any of them,” a paparazzo from celebrity gossip site TMZ.com approached Couric on the street in New York and asked the CBS Evening News anchor the same question. Couric flashed her trademark pearly whites before answering, “All of them and any of them.” Finally Couric did offer that, “Everyone lies about The Economist, but I actually read it. And I read a lot of magazines and newspapers, but luckily I’m not running for vice president.”

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  • eggshell sandwich October 8th, 2008 | 9:36 am

    Classy, real classy, nothing like a professional jounrnalist in action. I am sure Walter Cronkite would be proud.

  • WestBerkeleyFlats October 8th, 2008 | 3:06 pm

    “Would be proud”? You make it sound as though Cronkite were death.

    He is still alive, isn’t he?

  • WestBerkeleyFlats October 8th, 2008 | 3:07 pm

    “dead,” I mean.

  • Bob October 8th, 2008 | 9:50 pm

    Well, Ms. Palin claims to be qualified to lead these United States of America. If she is unqualified to the point of drooling on herself, we should all point it out. I can’t imagine the founding fathers keeping quiet while some backwoods woman - ignorant of the world in which she lives - stands before crowds claiming to be ready to fix the debt/deficit/trade/economy debacle.

    No matter what philosophy you hold, you want the best and brightest to fight for your beliefs. Having to pretend that Senator McCain made a wise decision in tapping Sarah Palin is ridiculous.

  • stew October 9th, 2008 | 7:10 am

    when was walter cronkite ever stopped by paparazzo and bothered in his “off” time? I bet he made some candid comments in his day, he just didn’t live in the 24 hour so-called news cycle….and as candid comments go, Couric was pretty easy on Palin. As far as classy goes, how about Palin using lies and exaggerations daily to egg on ignorant racist xenophobes in order to get elected (and tacitly encouraging physical harm to her opponent)? classy…

  • WestBerkeleyFlats October 9th, 2008 | 9:24 am

    Walter Cronkite is apparently alive and has been rather critical of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq.

  • Oscar Peas October 9th, 2008 | 11:59 am

    Real journalism today is a lost art. There isn’t even an attempt to LOOK objective.

  • peter October 9th, 2008 | 3:13 pm

    actually Palin is completely qualified to be a candidate according to the constitution, and here in VA we should all appreciate how that was put together. As for objective, well this is charlottesville, yuppy central, and just the cream of the crop, I mean what an elite bunch of progressive thinkers trapped amongst the backwoods and ignorance of the mob.

  • armchair quarterbacks October 9th, 2008 | 4:05 pm

    No the elite just hang out, work or reside near UVA. Their smugness is so overwhelming that they sit around and smell there own farts. Because everyone knows liberals s**t doesn’t stink it smells like roses.




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