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How Trolley deals with big bump

How Trolley deals with big bump

by Hawes Spencer
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This is how a CTS Trolley approached the dreaded, pre-shave speed bump on the Downtown Mall. (We just got around to posting this video.)

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  • Jefferson June 20th, 2009 | 5:25 am

    D**n, d**n, d**n! (After seeing your warning below, I just couldn’t resist. And how are you going to prove I’m not just saying ‘darn’?)
    Anyway, that was a funny video. You’d think the Trolley driver had CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos June 20th, 2009 | 7:56 am

    Even after the shave, cars have to approach that particular speed bump in the same manner. I saw a little girl in a police car send sparks flying out from under her gas tank the other night after hitting bottom.

  • Driver Ate June 20th, 2009 | 10:35 am

    Look, this is Cville and drivers in C’ville are really really very very important and in a really really very very big important hurry to be important and we really should never ever have to drive slowly - not even the speed limit.

    And slow down for pedestrians? We are far too important for that. How the heck we ever gonna catch up with That if they make us slow down?

    This sucks. We want That. Pedestrians should get cars.

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos June 20th, 2009 | 10:53 pm

    The only thing pedestrians need is to pay attention to the red “Don’t Walk” signals. And the cops should start enforcing the law for them as well as for those drivers who don’t stop when the pedestrian has the right of way. God only knows we don’t want some of these pedestrians driving. They would probably ignore red traffic lights too.

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