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They’ve been workin’ on the railroad

by Hawes Spencer

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A pair of heavy machines, including a ballast tamper, works near Old Ivy Road March 12, thanks to an $8.59 million, six-year state grant to the Buckingham Branch Railroad, which leases the CSX tracks through Charlottesville, to replace about 116,000 ties, as then state rail boss Kevin Page told a 2007 assemblage of rail promoters at the Boar’s Head Inn. Page noted that such improvements will enable the Chicago-to-New York Cardinal passenger train to resume speeds of 60mph (instead of the 40mph limit imposed after a year 2000 audit found gobs of rotten ties west of Charlottesville). On April 13, the repairs caused West Leigh Drive, located about four miles west of this point, to be closed most of the day.

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  • Buffalo girl March 14th, 2009 | 8:49 pm

    If you missed this story in 2004 don’t miss it this time –for train lovers everywhere this is terrific “Shorting the C & O– is this anyway to run a railroad” –linked to this article


  • Sick Of The Local Rambos March 15th, 2009 | 1:49 pm

    Yeah, that’s all we need now, trains running 60 mph instead of 40 mph. If they install solid metal ties, maybe we can jump the speed to 100 mph.

  • Dave March 15th, 2009 | 4:46 pm

    This railroad came really close to abandonment in the 90’s. Thankfully it is now being properly cared for. Railroads are a precious irreplaceable resource, like farmland. Once they are gone they are gone forever.

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