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Doctor wins Jeopardy cruise

by Hawes Spencer
published 4:44pm Tuesday Nov 3, 2009
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snap-jeopardytrip-alfredoarcila-randalalakkis-alextrebek Like bunch of latter day Darwinesque explorers, Charlottesville doctor Randala Lakkis, center, just came back from a 10-day cruise to the Galápagos Islands with her husband, Alfredo Arcila Jr. (left) and Jeopardy host Alex Trebek (right). The doctor was one of 25 lucky winners in a contest celebrating the 25 years the venerable television show— conceived in 1963 by Charlottesville-area resident Julann Griffin— has aired under Trebek.

  • Nancy November 5th, 2009 | 6:34 pm

    Thank you for the link to Julann Griffin. Had never heard her side of the Jeopardy story–fascinating and I love her quote

    “It’s a leftover from the days when women were just in the kitchen and expected not to take the credit,” she says, “but I think we’re outgrowing that, and I’ve just had to move on.”

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