Artists are invited to participate in Harvest Madonnari Festival

$10 before October 15/ $15 afterward

In conjunction with Chroma Projects' exhibit, "Farm Use," artists are invited to create works of art on the Downtown Mall during the "Harvest Madonnari Festival." Inspired by the 16th century i madonnari tradition of street artists creating images of the Madonna in chalk on Italian piazzas, the event asks particpants to re-create a master work of art depicitng farming, farm land, or farm animals and produce in chalk. Cheap sidewalk chalk will be available, but artists are encouraged to bring their own professional supplies to use on the supplied chalkboard. (Consider bringing a kneepad to kneel on, too.) Please bring an image of the work of art you are recreating to let the public know how your work resembles or diverges from the original image. All artworks must be completed in one day, and chalkboards are available at Chroma beginning at 9am. People may bid on the works being created with proceeds divided between the Piedmont Environmental Council and the Piedmont Council for the Arts. Cash and prizes for the top three winners. Jurors: Mayor Dave Norris, PCA director Maggie Gugenheimer, PEC director of special projects Melissa Wiley, and UVA prof George Sampson. To reserve a space, send a check and registration information to Chroma Projects, 418 E. Main St., Charlottesville, VA 22902. For more information, call 906-2289.