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UVA applications soar 20 percent

by Lindsay Barnes
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Tucked away in University of Virginia president John Casteen’s annual State of the University address on Wednesday, February 4 were new numbers concerning this fall’s first-year class. Casteen announced that 18,474 students had applied to get into UVA’s Class of 2013, an increase of 20 percent from last year’s applicant pool.

  • James Huron February 5th, 2009 | 6:41 pm

    This item was “tucked away” because all it means is that UVa just started using “The Common Application”–a computerized application shared by 150 colleges/universities…click of a button and pay a fee and a freshman/transfer can apply to as many schools as they’d like in just seconds. No news here except how great technology is…or isn’t.

  • Never Been to a Game February 6th, 2009 | 12:07 pm

    Oh, and college education is so inaccessible to our citizens! We must spend, spend, spend to make college affordable!




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