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Peanut Corp. owner Parnell not talking

by Dave McNair
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Embattled Peanut Corp. of America owner, and Lynchburg area resident, Stewart Parnell, plead the Fifth today and refused to speak to a Congressional subcommittee investigated whether or not his company knowingly shipped peanuts infected with the salmonella bacteria, causing a national outbreak that has claimed nine lives, infected hundreds more, and led to the recall of 1,800 peanut products, the AP reports.

What’s more, a lab tester told the committee that the company had discovered the deadly bacteria as far back as 2006. The investigation also includes some revealing emails from Parnell, which showed he ordered infected products shipped and complained that the lab tests were “costing us huge $$$$$$.“

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  • News for stewart parnell | Wonhe.com - News Trends, Web Trends, Aritcle Trends and Blog Trends. February 11th, 2009 | 6:12 pm

    [...] Peanut Corp. owner Parnell not talking Embattled Peanut Corp. of America owner, and Lynchburg area resident , Stewart Parnell, plead the Fifth today and refused to speak to a Congressional subcommittee investigated whether or not his company knowingly shipped peanuts infected with the salmonella bacteria, causing a national outbreak that has claimed nine lives, infected hundreds more, and led to the recall of 1,800 peanut …The Hook - 50 minutes ago [...]

  • Citizen February 11th, 2009 | 7:05 pm

    the lab that tested the peanuts and found samonella said in the hearing before Congress today that it is not unusual to find tainted products but it is unheard of for said products to then be dispersed to the public for consumption— what was he thinking ?

  • willmelbo February 12th, 2009 | 4:30 am

    This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a while. Would it have been that detrimental for the peanut company to just recall the peanuts. Not only is it terrible business, buts its harmful to society. C’mon dude what are you thinking?

  • Disgusted February 12th, 2009 | 10:12 am

    Why is this guy still walking around and not in jail. In China over the milk issue they have already excuted some of the folks involved in the tainted milk scandel. This guy intentionally sent out food he knew was infected with salmonella and killed 9 people and sickened over 600. Give him a bill for the medical expenses and throw him in jail.

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 12th, 2009 | 12:32 pm

    It will be a cold day down below before I scrap a million dollars worth of inventory in my warehouse simply because some of it might be contaminated and make people sick! This would force my modest business into bankruptcy!! Everything I and my family worked for over the years, up in smoke because a few people out of hundreds of thousands might get sick for a few days. I’ll take my chances. I need to pay for the kid’s college and the new matching his and her $118,000 Mercedes sitting in the driveway! The mortgage on my $7 million home won’t skip a payment or two either while waiting for my recovery from a serious recall of tainted products!!

    This of course is not how I feel, it’s probably what was running through Parnell’s mind!

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