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Snap o’ the Day: Is spring here?

by Hawes Spencer
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Okay, this has become the Hook’s bellwether for the weather: the flowering of the winter jasmine along University Avenue. Its blooms were visible, as shown here, Thursday morning, February 12. Last year, it didn’t look like this until February 22. (But two years ago, it erupted in January.)

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  • Buffalo girl February 13th, 2009 | 9:46 pm

    Bellwether– what a wonderful word and for those who like myself wondered about the origins of this word:

    The term is derived from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a wether) leading its flock of sheep.[1] The movements of the flock could be perceived by hearing the bell before the flock was in sight.


  • Rafaelo February 14th, 2009 | 6:51 pm

    I may be mistaken–but I think you are. This is not Winter Jasmine. It is Forsythia. There is a difference.

  • really? February 14th, 2009 | 7:26 pm

    you are mistaken, it is winter jasmine. Lower than forsythia and blooms sooner as well.

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