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Zimmerman gets $3.325 million

by Hawes Spencer
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UVA baseball star turned Washington Nationals star Ryan Zimmerman— interviewed this week in the Hook— has signed a one-year, $3.325 million deal.

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  • countyguy February 21st, 2009 | 9:26 am

    Way to go Zim! He only made around $400k last year so his stimulus package looks pretty good

  • rick February 21st, 2009 | 9:48 pm

    ….only $400,000?…meanwhile people across the country are loosing their homes. No wonder we’re in this mess. We think its perfectly natural for someone to make $3 million playing a kids game.

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 22nd, 2009 | 5:04 pm

    A $277,000 a month paycheck! You gotta love it!

    Go Ryan!!!!

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