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Ovation time: UVA baseball returns

by Hawes Spencer
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news-uvabaseballcelebration-mednews-uvabaseballcelebration2-med“We had a heck of a run,” exclaimed coach Brian O’Connor, as he welcomed the returning UVA baseball team to Davenport Field Thursday evening after its first-ever appearance in the College World Series. “This team,” O’Connor told a crowd of over 1,000 fans, “will be remembered as the greatest team in UVA baseball history.” As the applause from the standing ovation subsided, he cracked, “That’s until next season.”

  • Sue June 19th, 2009 | 12:42 pm

    You made us all proud and ignited a love for baseball in this community that now on fire will not soon fade–looking forward to next season and a wealth of wonderful returning players.

  • Music Lover June 21st, 2009 | 8:39 am

    Awesome season - the best thing to happen around here sports-wise in many, many years.

    Better start raising money for a stadium expansion in a hurry! As good as this team has the potential to be next year, we don’t want to see them shipped three time zones away because the stadium is too small.




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