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Big Sound: Studio holds splashy opening

by Tom Daly
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photophile-thesound-smallWhen Crystalphonic Studios fell silent in 2007, local musicians bemoaned the loss. In late July– to musicians’ delight– the tunes started up again, as The Sound, a new music production studio, opened in the former Crystalphonic space on Preston Avenue.

According to the new studio’s co-owner James McLaughlin, The Sound will be more than just an affordable recording studio where local acts will lay down tracks; it will offer rehearsal space, recording, mixing, post-production, voice-over, music for film/television/radio, cd/dvd duplication, graphic design and website services, and a concert hall available for showcase, CD release parties, and other events.

The Sound is also home to the Charlottesville Rock Academy, providing musicians ages 10 and up with an ensemble class experience in which they’ll join a band, learn some songs under professional instruction, get to record their ‘album’ in The Sound’s studio, and throw their own CD release concert for friends and family.

Owners McLaughlin and Mark Graham held a grand opening on Friday July 31.

  • RowdyGear August 19th, 2009 | 11:15 am

    This is great news. With the so many kick-ass musicians in CVille and the area, a production studio is essential. Great to hear the news about “The Sound!”


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