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Steve Earle

Paramount Theater
April 15, 8:00pm - $24.50-$39.50

Ever since the late 80’s, Steve Earle has pretty much been the archetype of the outspoken roots-rock songwriter, that rare sort who delivers his leftist political leanings using Americana and a little bit of country twang. His 2004 album lined up quite nicely with cute little unsuccessful pop-culture projects like “Fahrenheit 9/11″ and Vote For Change tour, but his latest project, “Washington Square Serenade,” simply pays homage to the golden days of Dylan, folk rock, and Greenwich Village. Then again, election fever is running wild right now, so you’re sure to get an earful at this one.

Opener Allison Moorer is Earle’s wife, the younger sister of Shelby Lynne, and was the female counterpart to Kid Rock on one version of the Sheryl Crow-penned duet smash “Picture.”

Two out of three ain’t bad, right?

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