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Clouds part for ‘Oliver’

by Hawes Spencer

While you were snoozing, cruising, or tubing last night, Charlottesville photographer Tom Daly was busily capturing the last total lunar eclipse for nearly three years.

Despite a light drizzle of rain yesterday afternoon across much of Albemarle County, the clouds thinned and parted in time for the eclipse to begin (when the moon entered the umbral shadow) at 8:43pm. Daly stuck with it and rendered some pretty pics, as you’ll see when you click on the photo here.

If you were busy watching Project Runway, you blew your last chance to see this amazing natural phenomenon until December 21, 2010 (or later, because it might be cloudy or snowy that night). The Hook staff was so moved by the sight that we named the eclipse Oliver.

  • Outskirts Guy February 21st, 2008 | 9:04 am

    Very nice. I was glad the clouds cleared out when they did.

  • fdr February 21st, 2008 | 11:52 am


    Oliver Spencer, no less!!

  • Cecil February 21st, 2008 | 3:45 pm

    what a small world we live in…i too know of Eclipse Oliver Spencer!


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