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Trevor Moore stars in Miss March

by Dave McNair
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A dozen years after making his TV debut on Charlottesville Public Access television, and two years after a Hook cover story, Trevor Moore appears to have made the big time with the Fox Searchlight release of Miss March, written and directed by Moore and fellow The Whitest Kids ‘U Know comedy team member Zach Cregger. The R-rated comedy tells the story of a guy who wakes up from a coma to find that his girlfriend has become a Playboy centerfold model. 

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  • snooze February 18th, 2009 | 10:33 pm

    Has he managed to become funny by some small miracle?

  • cvillerighty February 19th, 2009 | 11:10 pm

    If you don’t think he’s funny, there’s always According to Jim.

  • Larissa March 5th, 2009 | 5:43 pm

    he is the funniest guy out there I love him




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