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McAuliffe jumps ahead in Dem primary

by Lindsay Barnes
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news-mcauliffeWith the Democratic primary for governor only 40 days away, former Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe has apparently jumped out to a sizable lead over his two opponents for the nomination. According to a new poll from SurveyUSA, 38 percent of likely primary voters say they favor McAuliffe, with 22 percent backing State Senator Creigh Deeds, 22 percent supporting former delegate Brian Moran, and 18 percent still undecided. Still, at this early stage, former attorney general Bob McDonnell leads all three Democratic candidates in hypothetical general election matchups, with Deeds coming closest to catching McDonnell at a five percent defecit.
–photo by Lindsay Barnes

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  • Dan May 1st, 2009 | 11:29 am

    Deeds can do it —don’t be star struck

  • Billy Bob May 1st, 2009 | 3:49 pm

    unbelievable. Out of the jaws of victory come the agony of defeat. Who the hell is this guy, anyway? I mean, seriously? Why would anyone vote for him for dogcatcher?

    To me he seems like a used car salesman. November will not be pretty for democrats if he is the nominee.

  • Rog May 3rd, 2009 | 5:34 pm

    Ugh. Why on earth would the dems ruin their momentum by getting in bed with this creep?

  • Dan May 3rd, 2009 | 6:01 pm

    He calls himself a “huckster” in his autobiography. Read the post article and make up your own mind.


  • [...] Creigh Deeds. Compared with a poll taken three weeks ago, McAuliffe’s lead over Deeds has shrunk from 16 points to 11 points, with 14 percent of voters in the newest poll undecided. Former delegate Brian Moran [...]




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