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Snap o’ the Day: Moran greets future electorate

by Hawes Spencer
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cover-moran-gabriel-discuss Candidate for governor Brian Moran discusses transportation policy and the renovation of the Downtown Mall, shown here at the Second Street Northwest auto crossing, with nearly two-year-old potential consituent Gabriel Simon.

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  • Sue May 1st, 2009 | 6:57 am

    Could he be saying: “Son, I’m here to tell you elect me, and I’ll cut government waste.” (For 7.5 million, you could have had a lot of bicycles.)

  • ghost town May 1st, 2009 | 9:25 am

    The Mall isn’t the place to be finding many people these days. It reminds me of West Main when the bridge over the tracks was rebuilt. The Continental Divide managed to survive that period, but a lot of other businesses didn’t. I’m just amazed that our city “leaders” were so stupid that they would do that to downtown.

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