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Trees, decks icy; roads simply wet

by Hawes Spencer
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6:30am update: According to the Charlottesville Newsplex, Albemarle has opted for a 2-hour delay. Hmm. Last time there was snow, Albemarle’s crystal ball wasn’t working quite right. They closed the schools in the middle of a howling mid-morning snowstorm, which saw 84 accidents, and then closed them again the next day when snow had burned off the asphalt like alcohol in a frying pan– when a two-hour delay might have made more sense.
IVY— With temperatures hovering right around the freezing mark, the much-ballyhooed ice storm has graced trees and other above-ground structures with a thin coating of ice (and probably pulled a few of them down), but to the chagrin of sled-wielding kids (and kids-at-heart), any snow or ice accumulations on the ground and roads seem to have washed away with the steady rain.

While Fluvanna County has already declared a day off, and while at National Weather Service advisory remains in effect until 9am, at the Hook’s test location near Ivy in Western Albemarle, asphalt surfaces— even on secondary roads and driveways— are the picture of traction, suggesting that any attempt to close or delay schools in this vicinity might be based on emotion rather than evidence.

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  • Courteney Stuart February 1st, 2008 | 6:26 am

    Charlottesville’s already announced a two-hour delay on its website!

  • Courteney Stuart February 1st, 2008 | 6:27 am

    And so has Albemarle!

  • Ryan Estes February 1st, 2008 | 8:06 am

    woo hoo party thyme!!

  • Ryan Estes February 1st, 2008 | 8:51 am

    has it been two hours yet I am ready to party

  • [...] Last time there was a threat of ice, Albemarle opted for a 2-hour school delay, but this time they’ve opted to close even their own administrative offices. All day! [...]




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