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NWS warns, schools respond

by Hawes Spencer
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The list is deep: Albemarle, Augusta, Buckingham, Culpeper, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison, Nelson— all closed. Even Charlottesville, where ice-melt was liberally slathered last night on roads and sidewalks, has told students and teachers to hang back a bit with a 2-hour delay. Sure, decks and railings in some areas are a little icy right now— but roads?

Last time there was a threat of ice, Albemarle opted for a 2-hour school delay, but this time they’ve opted to close even their own administrative offices. All day!

This action appears to stem from a strongly-worded document from the National Weather Service, a “Winter Weather Advisory” that forecasts a thin sheet of ice from freezing rain falling during much of today, and the Advisory won’t be lifted until 10pm.

So roads could be slick.

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  • CutTheWaste February 22nd, 2008 | 9:09 am

    Looks like another overcast day. Seems like 2 hour delay would have more appropriate and then make a decision…guess admin wanted a 3 day weekend since snow has been scarce this year.

    Maybe admin can do some homework and figure out what waste the schools have and cut it…and I don’t mean trash bags! How many assistant principals does one school need!? Why are 3 needed plus a principal?

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 22nd, 2008 | 9:21 am

    I was thinking the exact same thing, a 3 day weekend. The taxpayers should support them in having a little free time off! :)

  • CutTheWaste February 22nd, 2008 | 9:32 am

    Oh there is more.

    Technology purchased but not used/needed or cared about. Alot of it collects dust once they spend the money!

    Some teachers getting 2-3 week vacations during school year plus the education dollars to hire a sub while other teachers are working and educating without vacation. That must have a great a motivational effect on staff.

    Where is the org chart for school admin so the public can see where the real FAT is in the budget.

    IB program that has not been needed in the past for success is now needed. How much more admin will be needed to run this jewel?

    Workshops that are pointless and take teachers away from teaching. Is someone getting kickbacks from some of these time wasters?

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 22nd, 2008 | 10:45 am

    CutTheWaste, you’re talking about government employees. It’s always been about doing as little as possible, getting paid as much as possible, and getting as much time off as one can. Is there any reason you think this will ever change?

  • M February 22nd, 2008 | 11:49 am

    Cutthewaste, I agree that two hour delay would have been more appropriate for today, but it’s not practical to do a two hour delay and then a complete cancellation - people assume once they hear the first announcement, that that’s the final word, and they make childcare plans accordingly. No matter what they do, somebody is going to be unhappy. I imagine Albemarle is being hypervigilant now after all the criticism they got for sending the kids to school in ice a month ago.

  • CutTheWaste February 22nd, 2008 | 12:29 pm

    M, Not really. When people hear delay they know it is a delay subject to change with conditions. Of course you may have some who think otherwise but then again you will always have some who think otherwise.
    A month ago I would have closed once I saw glaze on trees. Today there were puddles at most.

    SOTLR, actually i’m referring to schools. School policy is there are no vacations for teachers since they have so much planned time off….holidays, planning days, summer, personal days.
    I think it is about time to run schools more efficiently considering spending has outpaced student growth. It reminds me of the defense industry…another area of big waste and toys! :(




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